Business Term Loans
Understanding Business Term Loan
Loan Amount
Time to Fund
As Soon As 24 Hours
Loan Terms
1-5 Years
Interest Rate
As Low as 6%
Small Business-Friendly
We all love a classic because it’s tried and true. The same goes for a business term loan—it’s a stable, flexible way to get more working capital, grow your business, and build your credit. If you’re craving a simple small business financing solution, this is it.
Check EligibilityMinimum Requirements For a Business Term Loan.
If your business doesn’t match some of the qualifiers below, it may be more challenging to receive funding from our lending partners.

Credit Score
600 or higher

Annual Revenue
at least $8K

Time In Business
6 months or more
Get Quick Loan Offers from Multiple Lenders
Credit approval is more flexible with this type of commercial banking because the equipment is used as collateral to secure the financing.